
Math Jump Math page 343-345

End of Year Carnival volunteer form deadline tomorrow

Please bring in a rag and large bags in on Friday for our clean-up

Math Jump Math page 340-342

End of Year Carnival volunteer form deadline Wednesday

Please bring in a rag and large bags in on Friday for our clean-up

Language Arts  Reading log

Math Jump Math page 336-339

End of Year Carnival volunteer form deadline June 17 (next Wednesday)
Yearbook order deadline June 15th (Monday)

Language Arts  Reading log

Math Jump Math page 331-335

End of Year Carnival volunteer form deadline June 17 (next Wednesday)
Yearbook order deadline June 15th (Monday)

Language Arts  Reading log

Math Jump Math page 327-330

End of Year Carnival volunteer form deadline June 17 (next Wednesday)
Yearbook order deadline June 15th (Monday)

Language Arts  Reading log
Math Jump Math page 322 (not #3), 323 (not #8) and 324-326 (not #2-3)

Univers social unités 22-35 demain

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math Jump Math page 320-321

Francais   évaluation d'écriture/lecture lundi (8 juin)

Univers social unités 22-35 (mardi le 9 juin)

Science sign and return science test by Monday

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math Jump Math page 317-319

Francais   évaluation d'écriture/lecture lundi (8 juin)

Univers social unités 22-35 (mardi le 9 juin)

Science sign and return science test by Day 2

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math Jump Math page 312-316

Francais   évaluation d'écriture/lecture lundi (8juin)

Reading Log

Français  évaluation  écriture/lecture lundi prochain

             Jump Math chapter test (pgs 296-311) tomorrow

Francais  évaluation  écriture/lecture lundi prochain

Language Arts  Reading log due Monday

             Jump Math page 309-311 and prepare questions for Monday
                           ***chapter test (pgs 296-311) on Tuesday

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour mardi

Language Arts  Reading log due Monday

Math sign Dragon Breeder, Measurement test and Packed Backpack
              Jump Math page 306-308 and prepare questions for Monday
                           ***chapter test (pgs 296-311) on Tuesday

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

Scholastics tomorrow

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math sign Dragon Breeder, Measurement test and Packed Backpack
              Jump Math page 302-305
                           ***chapter test (pgs 296-311) on Tuesday

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

Scholastics deadline May 28 (Thursday)

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math sign Dragon Breeder, Measurement test and Packed Backpack
              Jump Math page 299

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

ERC oral presentation and collage due Tuesday

Scholastics deadline May 28 (Thursday)

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math sign Dragon Breeder and Measurement test
              Jump Math pages 296-298

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

Science retest tomorrow

ERC oral presentation and collage due Tuesday

Scholastics deadline May 28 (Thursday)

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math sign Dragon Breeder

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

ERC oral presentation and collage due Tuesday

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math sign Dragon Breeder

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

Language Arts  Reading log 

Study for measurement test on Tuesday (pgs 256-295)

Francais   vocabulaire 14.1 pour le 2 juin

Language Arts  Reading log 

Study for measurement test on Tuesday (pgs 256-295)

Francais   vocabulaire 13.1 demain

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math  Jump Math pg 291-295
           Measurement test on Tuesday (pgs 256-295)

Francais   vocabulaire 13.1 pour vendredi

Science test tomorrow
                  finish science worksheet

Frozen tickets on sale now!  Shows will be on May 14 and 15 at 6:30.

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math  Jump Math pg 287-290
           Measurement test on Tuesday (pgs 256-295)

Francais   vocabulaire 13.1 pour vendredi

Science test next Thursday
                  finish science worksheet

Frozen tickets on sale now!  Shows will be on May 14 and 15 at 6:30.

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math  Jump Math pg 287-290

Francais   vocabulaire 13.1 pour le 15 mai

Science test next Thursday
                  finish science worksheet

Frozen tickets on sale now!  Shows will be on May 14 and 15 at 6:30.

Language Arts  Reading log 

Math  Jump Math pg 285-286

Francais   vocabulaire 13.1 pour le 15 mai

Science test next Thursday
                  finish science worksheet

Frozen tickets on sale now!  Shows will be on May 14 and 15 at 6:30.

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16- 19 questions and vocabulary test tomorrow

  1. Jump Math pg 281, 282 and 283 (all except #4)
Francais vocabulaire 13.1 pour le 15 mai

Science test next Thursday

Frozen tickets on sale now!  Shows will be on May 14 and 15 at 6:30.

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16- 19 questions and vocabulary test Friday

  1. Jump Math pg 279-280
Francais vocabulaire 13.1 pour le 15 mai

Frozen tickets on sale now!  Shows will be on May 14 and 15 at 6:30.

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16- 19 questions and vocabulary test Friday

  1. Jump Math pg 276-278
Francais vocabulaire 13.1 pour le 15 mai

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16- 19 questions and vocabulary test Friday

  1. Jump Math pg 273-275
Francais vocabulaire 13.1 pour le 15 mai

Language Arts

  1. Reading log due Monday
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 18 and 19 questions and vocabulary due Monday                                                                          Test on Ch 16-19 vocabulary and questions on Friday, May 8

  1. Jump Math pg 271-272

Language Arts

  1. Reading log due tomorrow
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 18 and 19 questions and vocabulary due Monday

  1. Jump Math pg 269-270
Science quiz tomorrow

Scholastics deadline tomorrow

Language Arts

  1. Reading log due Thursday
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 18 and 19 questions and vocabulary due Day 3

  1. Jump Math pg 267-268
Science quiz Thursday

Scholastics deadline Thursday

Language Arts

  1. Reading log due Thursday
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16 and 17 questions and vocabulary due tomorrow

  1. Jump Math pg 264-266
  2. Problem Solving M7-004 due tomorrow
Science quiz Thursday

Scholastics deadline Thursday

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16 and 17 questions and vocabulary due April 28
  3. Persuasive Text final copy due Monday

  1. Jump Math pg 262-263 due Monday

Scholastics deadline April 30

Packing List for Skoolvivor Trip

Label all of your possessions

 - Rubber boots and/or outdoor shoes
- 1 sleeping bag and small pillow
- 1 complete change of clothes
- Proper WARM outdoor and rain proof clothing (pants and jacket)
- Flashlight (optional)
- 2 extra pairs of socks
- 1 thin pair of gloves and a hat/cap
- 1 pyjama
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Facecloth
- Soap and toiletries
- Medication (if needed)

Things NOT to bring:
- Any electronics or video games.
- Money or other valuables.

REMEMBER: To keep warm, wear layers.


Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada  Ch 16 and 17 questions and vocabulary due April 28
  3. Persuasive Text final copy due April 27

  1. Jump Math pg 260-261

Scholastics deadline April 30

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada Test on vocabulary and questions Tuesday                                                                                       Ch 16 and 17 questions and vocabulary due April 28
  3. Persuasive Text final copy due April 27

  1. Problem Solving M7-005,006 and 007 due Tuesday
  2. Jump Math pg 256-259
  1. évaluation lecture et écriture mardi
Science study vocabulary words

Scholastics deadline April 30

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada Ch 15  questions and vocabulary due tomorrow                                                                                                      ****Test on vocabulary and questions next Day 5****
  3. Persuasive Text final copy due April 27

  1. Problem Solving M7-005,006 and 007 due Day 5
  1. vocabulaire 12.1 pour demain
  2. évaluation lecture et écriture mardi
Science study vocabulary words

Scholastics deadline April 30

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada Ch 15  questions and vocabulary due Day 3                                                                                                        ****Test on vocabulary and questions next Day 5****

  1. Problem Solving M7-005,006 and 007 due Day 5
  1. vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril
  2. évaluation lecture et écriture le 21 avril

Scholastics deadline April 30

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada Ch 15  questions and vocabulary due Day 3                                                                                                        ****Test on vocabulary and questions next Day 5****

  1. Problem Solving M7-005,006 and 007 due Day 5
  1. vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril
  2. évaluation lecture et écriture le 21 avril

Scholastics deadline April 30

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada Ch 13 and 14 questions and vocabulary due tomorrow

  1. Jump Math  Test on decimals (pages 222-255) tomorrow
  2. Problem Solving M2-2, M3-3,4 and M7-2 due tomorrow

Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Drama finish puppets for tomorrow

Scholastics deadline April 30

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Persuasive text (Map only) finished for Monday

  1. Jump Math pages 253-255                                                                                                                         **** Test on decimals (pages 222-255) on Tuesday****
  2. Problem Solving M2-2, M3-3,4 and M7-2 due Day 5

Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Drama finish puppets for next Day 5

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Persuasive text (Map only) finished for Monday

  1. Jump Math pages 251-252                                                                                                                                  **** Test on decimals (pages 222-255) on Tuesday****
  2. Problem Solving M2-2, M3-3,4 and M7-2 due Day 5

Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Drama finish puppets for next Day 5

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 

  1. Problem Solving M2-2, M3-3,4 and M7-2 due Day 5
Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Science Sink or float? 12 foot long boat or 12 ft long tree trunk tomorrow

Drama finish puppets for next Day 5

Language Arts

  1. Reading log 

  1. Problem Solving M1- 001,002, 003, 005, 007 due tomorrow
  2. Jump Math pages 247-250
Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Science Sink or float? 12 foot long boat or 12 ft long tree trunk due Day 2

Drama finish puppets for next Day 5

Language Arts

  1. Reading log March's log now late if not already handed in
  2. Underground to Canada Ch 1-10 vocabulary and question test Tuesday                                                                                                               Ch 11-12 vocabulary and questions due Tuesday
  1. Problem Solving M1- 001,002, 003, 005, 007 due Tuesday
Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Science Sink or float? 12 foot long boat or 12 ft long tree trunk

Skoolvivor  deadline Tuesday

Language Arts

  1. Reading log March's log now late if not already handed in
  2. Underground to Canada Ch 1-10 vocabulary and question test Day 5                                                                                                                      Ch 11-12 vocabulary and questions due Day 5
  1. Jump Math pages 243-246
  2. Problem Solving M1- 001,002, 003, 005, 007 due Day 5
Francais vocabulaire 12.1 pour le 17 avril

Science Sink or float? 12 foot long boat or 12 ft long tree trunk

Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline tomorrow

Language Arts
  1. Reading log due tomorrow
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 10 due tomorrow                                                                                                Ch 1-10 comprehension test next Day 5
  1. Jump Math pages 240, 242 #2-7 and stencil
  2. Problem Solving M1- 001,002, 003, 005, 007 due Day 5
Univers Social unites 22 a 26 demain

Science Sink or float? 12 foot long boat or 12 ft long tree trunk

Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline Thursday

Language Arts
  1. Reading log due Wednesday
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 10 due Day 3                                                                                                            Ch 1-10 comprehension test next Day 5
  1. Jump Math pages 237-239
  2. Problem Solving M1- 001,002, 003, 005, 007 due Day 5
Univers Social
  1. unites 22 a 26 le 1er avril
Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline Thursday

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 10 due Day 3                                                                                                            Ch 1-10 comprehension test next Day 5

  1. Problem Solving M1- 001,002, 003, 005, 007 due Day 5
Univers Social
  1. unites 22 a 26 le 1er avril
Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline April 2nd

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 8 and 9 due tomorrow

  1. Jump Math pg 233-236
  2. Problem Solving G2-001, G3-003,005 and G04-001 due tomorrow
Univers Social
  1. unites 22 a 26 le 1er avril
Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline April 2nd

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 8 and 9 due Day 5
  3. Unspoken final draft due tomorrow

  1. Jump Math pg 228-232
  2. Problem Solving G2-001, G3-003,005 and G04-001 due Day 5
Univers Social

  1. unites 22 a 26 le 1er avril
Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline April 2nd

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 7 due tomorrow
  3. Unspoken final draft due Day 4

  1. Jump Math pg 226-227
  2. Problem Solving G3-001,003,005 and G04-001 due Day 5
    vocabulaire 11.1 dictée demain

Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline April 2nd

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 7 due Day 3
  3. Unspoken rough draft due tomorrow

  1. Jump Math pg 223 (1-3) and 224-225
  2. Problem Solving G3-001,003,005 and G04-001 due Day 5
    vocabulaire 11.1 dictée demain

Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline April 2nd

Language Arts
  1. Reading log 
  2. Underground to Canada vocabulary and questions from Ch 7 due Day 3
  3. Unspoken rough draft due Day 2

  1. Jump Math pg 222
  2. Problem Solving G3-001,003,005 and G04-001 due Day 5
    vocabulaire 11.1 dictée le 25 mars

Skoolvivor  deadline is April 7th
Scholastics deadline April 2nd