Chapter 1
Before you read:
In the forward to this book, there is a passage from a speech by Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. is an important figure in the history of black people in America.
Do some research to find out why.
Divide the following words into syllables. For example: Ju/lil/ly
plantation _____________________ quarters _____________________
overseer _____________________ trader _____________________
Virginia _____________________ Massa _____________________
melody _____________________ chirping _____________________
1. What does Massa mean?___________________________________________________________
2. Why didn’t Massa Hensen like Mammy Sally’s song?
_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________3. What is happening to the Hensens and their plantation?
4. What are the slaves on the Hensen plantation nervous about?
5. What is ‘Julilly’ short form for?
Language Activities:
1. The setting of a novel describes the place and the time. What is the setting of
Underground to Canada?
2. Research the plantations of the southern United States in the last century. How big were
they? What did they grow? Who owned them? Who worked on them?
_________________________________________________________________________________Before you read:
In the plantations of the deep South, black people were kept as slaves. In your own words, describe what slave means (use a dictionary if you need help).
Imagine how you would feel to be a slave.
Using a dictionary, write a definition for each of the following.
1. What does the old ram horn do?____________________________________________________
2. What did the slaves on the Hensen plantation eat for breakfast?
_________________________________________________________________________________3. What is the fat man doing at the Hensen plantation?
4. a) What did the fat man do to Julilly?______________________________________________
b) How did this make her feel?
5. List the slaves that were taken away from the Hensen plantation.
6. Why are the men bound in chains?
Language Activities:
1. a) In Chapter Two, the slaves are bought and sold like animals. Tell what you think of
b) Is it wrong to treat people this way? Explain.
______________________________________________________________________________2. The word ‘nigger’ is not a nice word. Describe the situation in which the word is used
by the fat man in this chapter.
3. The author says, “the chain became a silver snake”. This is an example of a metaphor.
A metaphor is a comparison between two objects to help describe something. In this
example, the chain is compared to a silver snake. Think of a metaphor to describe the
the fat man’s whip:_______________________________________________________________
the wagon:_______________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________Chapter 3
Before you read:
In this chapter, Julilly is taken away on a wagon, her future unknown. Describe a time when there was a change in your life and your future was unknown.
How did you feel at this time of uncertainty?
Write sentences using each of these words or phrases to show their meaning. Use a dictionary to help you.
1. What was the “sheets of falling water” the children saw?_____________________________
2. What caused the blood on Lester’s legs?
3. How was the young black boy at the water different than Julilly?
4. What did the black boy give Julilly?________________________________________________
5. Why did the fat man not like the slaves talking to the young black boy and the white
man at the stream?
Language Activities:
1. The author says, “the clang of the chained men behind it took up a rhythm... it was a
slow, sad rhythm – sad as the bells tolling a death from the village church.” This is an
example of a simile, which is a comparison using like or as. In this example, the sound
of the chain gang is compared to the sound of a bell announcing death. Think of similes
to describe the following.
the fat man’s whip:_______________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________the wagon:_______________________________________________________________________
2. Do some research about Quakers.
a) How did they dress in the 19th century?
b) What are some main ideas Quakers believe in?
_____________________________________________________________________________Chapter 4
Before you read:
If someone hits you on purpose, your feelings can be hurt as well as your body. How would you feel if somebody hit you on purpose?
Circle the synonym (the word with the same meaning) for each underlined word in the
1. The clattering of the wagon boards let them know they were traveling again.
nails racket wheels paint music
2. I yearned for happier days.
asked loved wanted tried wrote
3. The stifling heat made it difficult to work.
lovely gentle nasty extra unbearable
4. The clanging of the bell called us to dinner.
moving swaying ringing singing louchess
5. After being stung by a bee, his finger was swollen.
hurting broken puffy red uncomfortable Questions:
1. How did Julilly comfort the children in the wagon?
2. Did the rain make it harder or easier for the slaves? Explain your answer.
3. What did Julilly do that was brave?
4. a) How did Lester respond to Julilly’s bravery?
b) How did this make Julilly feel?
Language Activities:
1. This chapter has lots of adjectives: words that describe objects. How many can you
find? Try to find at least 10.
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________2. Many emotions are felt by the slaves in this chapter. Describe a situation in which you
might feel each of these emotions.
Sing the song at the end of this chapter. Do some research to see if you can find out where this song originated.
Chapter 5
Before you read:
In this chapter, the wagon arrives at its destination. Describe a time when you went on a trip, and arrived at your destination. What were your first thoughts?
Choose a word from the list to compete each sentence.
fragrance pillars plume sagged sullen
appraised parading sprouted drawled billows
1. The woman’s voice ____________________ with an accent that identified her as southern.
2. ____________________ of cloud filled the sky, like fluffy cotton wool.
3. The ___________________ of the flowers filled the dining room.
4. We watched as a _________________ of smoke rose from the fire.
5. After several days, the seeds we had planted __________________ from the earth.
6. Grandmother looked _________________ as she watched the soldiers on the television
7. My sister and I were _________________ about in our best clothes when our guests
8. The old roof ________________ in the middle, and gave the house an unstable
9. I _________________ the job I’d done cleaning my room, and was satisfied.
10. The entire building was surrounded by a huge porch that was held up with round,
white _________________.
1. What state is the destination of the wagon?__________________________________________
2. What was the name of the fat man, and what was his job on the plantation?
3. The other slaves on the Riley plantation are not kind to the newcomers. Why do you
think this is?
Language Activies:
1. The lawn of the Riley plantation is covered in magnolia trees. Do some research about
the magnolia tree, and draw and color a picture of a magnolia flower.
Chapter 6
Before you read:
In this chapter, Julilly hears about things that have happened to Liza that are very upsetting. “It squeezed her throat and made her breathing come in jumps.” Think of something
terrible you have heard about. How did it make you feel?
Circle the word in each line that does not belong and write a sentence to explain why it does not fit.
1. strong healthy robust frail resilient
2. misery gaiety unhappiness sadness hopelessness
3. tense anxious relaxed busy agitated
4. sharp piercing stabbing blunt acute
5. glistening dull drab flat shadowed
1. What is Julilly’s first impression of Liza?
2. Why does Liza have beat up legs and a bent up back?
3. What did Julilly see in the morning that shocked her?
4. Describe what the slaves ate for breakfast and lunch?
Language Activities:
1. What did Liza’s dad mean when he said, “Liza, the soul is all black or white ’pending on
the man’s life and not on his skin.”
2. Research cotton.
a) What is cotton used for? Where does it grow?
b) What is a cotton boll?
c) Describe how it was gathered during the times of the slave plantations, and compare
this to how it is gathered today. Draw a picture to accompany your comparisons.
How Cotton Was Gathered on Slave Plantations
How Cotton Is Gathered Today
Chapter 7
Before you read:
In this chapter, Julilly and Liza meet a stranger who they find very interesting. Describe a time that you met a stranger you found interesting. What do you remember about the way they looked and talked?
Find the words below in this word search puzzle.
l l n h b c a g m m n n z q r
j i a i l o n g a m t o r m n
s i m s l m o s q u i t o e s
u j s m e o r a p p l l b v f
l y c a t o n i n e t a i l s
l p i t s s i o u v r r w w o
y o e n t o t b r c c s o w c
a t n n w t h k u g s r r n a
d e t t o q o r j h r i g b n
n o i c r u l o o u s l l i a
o j f t f i o t f q h e a g l
o u i s s t g n u n l y n n a
n l c m a u i r o k l a t s s
r i l i n l s t t o p l n n h
r l e s g t t e n n e s s e e
o l y m n o i t a t n a l p s
c y h s c a n a d a d y a m s
1. How much cotton did each slave pick every day?
2. What happened if a slave did not pick enough cotton?
3. Describe the stories the slaves had heard about Canada.
4. What was Mr. Alexander Ross doing at the Riley plantation?
5. Why do you think Julilly stared at Mr. Ross like she did?
Language Activities:
1. Brainstorm as many words as you can that end in “ogist” – like “ornithologist”. Try to
find at least six.
_______________________ ______________________ _______________________
_______________________ ______________________ _______________________
_______________________ ______________________
2. Prejudice happens when someone is treated in a negative way because of what they look
like, the clothes they wear, their customs and traditions, or their families. With a
partner, discuss examples of prejudice that have happened to you or people you know.
3. a) Have you ever shown prejudice towards other people?
b) Why does prejudice happen?
Chapter 8
Before you read:
To Julilly and Liza, Canada means freedom. What does Canada mean to you?
Draw a straight line from the vocabulary word to its definition. Use a straight edge, such as a ruler.
a) roused moving swiftly and lightly
b) spark skinny
c) flitting particular way of speaking
d) flicker awakened
e) scant neat and tidy
f) orderly rough sounding
g) accent jerk
h) scrawny a small, sudden flash of light
i) twitch shine irregularly
j) hoarsely not enough
1. What doesn’t grow in Canada?_____________________________________________________
2. Why did the arrival of Mr. Ross “unsettle” the slaves?
3. What is the significance of the North Star to the slaves?
4. What does freedom mean to Julilly?
5. What did the girls pledge to do at the end of this chapter?
Language Activities:
1. Find five adjectives, five verbs, five nouns, and five adverbs from this chapter.
Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Nouns
e.g., coming too amazing crop
_________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
2. Draw a picture of the “drinking gourd” stars also
known as “the big dipper”. Label the North Star
Chapter 9
Before you read:
A whippoorwill is a bird that plays an important role in this book. Do some research to find out about the whippoorwill. Where does it live? When does it sing? And what does its song sound like?
For each of the words in the table, guess at the definition. Then look each one up in the
dictionary. Put a check mark beside those words you guessed correctly.
Word Your Guess Dictionary Definition
a) ruckus
b) scrounged
c) pledge
d) solemn
e) taut
f) liberate
g) wit
1. Use this Venn diagram to compare and contrast a Sunday at the Riley plantation and the
Hensen plantation.
2. Why did Liza drop her stick?
3. a) What did Julilly do when Liza dropped her stick?
b) What reason did Julilly have for doing this?
4. What did three calls of the whippoorwill signal?
5. How did Mr. Ross greet Julilly and Liza in the woods?
Language Activities:
1. Write the following sentences using correct punctuation and capitals.
a) on sundays julilly and liza washed their clothes at the riley plantation
b) when bessie fell asleep the girls met lester in the woods
c) will the girls meet mr ross to talk about going to canada
2. Mr. Ross is known as a “Negro Thief”. What is your opinion about this?
Chapter 10
Before you read:
Running away and being chased by bloodhounds is a frightening experience that the
characters have to endure. Tell of an experience that would be frightening for you to endure.
Choose a vocabulary word that means the same or almost the same as the underlined words in the sentences below.
knapsack sun high grumble lank
jovial meagre astonished serene
1. I put my school supplies in my backpack. ____________________________
2. The slave did not complain about the heavy load ____________________________
on his back.
3. Back stage, the actor was surprised to hear how loud ____________________________
the audience applauded.
4. The slaves’ scant supplies were barely enough to keep ____________________________
them alive.
5. We will stop to rest at noon. ____________________________
6. His happy grin made us all feel relaxed. ____________________________
7. The celery was limp and soft. ____________________________
8. The water was calm and peaceful.
1. Julilly is nervous in this chapter, and the author gives the creatures around her the same
nervous quality. Find two examples of creatures at the beginning of this chapter and
write the words that the author uses to make them share in Julilly’s nervousness.
2. Why was Julilly concerned about the approaching storm?
3. Why did Lester take a roundabout path through the woods?
4. What did Mr. Ross give the slaves?
5. Did the slaves sleep well the first night of their journey? Explain your answer.
Language Activities:
1. Julilly shows courage in this chapter. Find two passages in the novel to show this, and
describe them here.
2. a) What items do Liza and Julilly store away for their journey?
b) Write a list of items that you would bring with you if you had to survive in the
3. The secret signal for Julilly and Liza to leave and meet Lester was the song of the
whippoorwill, three times. Suppose you had to invent a secret signal for your friends
to know it was time to leave. It should be a sound that is normally heard in your
surroundings. Describe it here.
Chapter 11
Before you read:
1. The Fugitive Slave Act was a law that existed in the United States in the 1800s. Do
some research on this law:
a) When did this law come into being?________________________________________________
b) What did the law say?
1. Write the root word beside each of these verbs from Chapter 11.
a) quivered _____________________ b) jogged _____________________
c) plodding _____________________ d) clopping _____________________
e) croaking _____________________ f) lapping _____________________
g) lapsed _____________________ h) scuffling _____________________
1. How will the slaves know when they reach Tennessee?
2. What does Lester’s ability to read tell you about Massa Hensen?
3. What is the password that Mr. Ross told the slaves to remember?
4. What could happen to anyone that helps a slave?
5. Why didn’t Mr. Ross meet them?
6. Describe what the Quaker Abolitionist does to help the slaves.
Language Activities:
1. Desert is a word that has two meanings: 1) a hot, sandy region, and 2) to leave alone.
Try to think of two other examples of words that have two different meanings and
write brief definitions for each.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. Julilly, Liza, Lester, and Adam have very different personalities, but all are admirable
people. List three things you admire about each one of these characters.
Chapter 12
Before you read:
Bloodhounds were used to track down escaped slaves and criminals throughout history. Do some research to find out about this breed of dog. What does it look like? Why was it used to track slaves? What are bloodhounds used for today?
Write the root words of the following, and put the suffixes and prefixes in the appropriate column.
Root Word Suffix Prefix
a) darkness __________________ __________________ __________________
b) crossly __________________ __________________ __________________
c) untangle __________________ __________________ __________________
d) thoughtful __________________ __________________ __________________
e) nervous __________________ __________________ __________________
f) Abolitionists __________________ __________________ __________________
g) freedom __________________ __________________ __________________
h) lapping __________________ __________________
1. What did the driver of the wagon give the slaves to help them on their journey?
2. What direction did the driver tell them to go?
3. What did the group eat for lunch?
4. Describe what happened to Lester and Adam at the end of the chapter.
Language Activities:
1. Predict what will happen to the girls.
2. On a separate sheet of paper, draw a picture of the inside of the barn. Beside your
picture, write three words to describe it
Chapter 13
Before you read:
Locate the Appalachians on a map of the United States.
What direction do you go to get from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains?
Put the following words in alphabetical order.
stern ______________________________
sweet ______________________________
shallow ______________________________
scant ______________________________
fragrance ______________________________
crippled ______________________________
ragged ______________________________
despair ______________________________
craggy ______________________________
1. Put the following statements in the order in which they happened in this chapter.
________ Julilly knocked on a farmhouse door and asked for food.
________ The Mennonites gave the girls food and sent them on their way.
________ A farmer found the girls in the field with the cows.
________ The girls walked east to the mountains.
________ A woman held a gun at Julilly and told her to leave.
________ Julilly and Liza rested in a cave.
________ Mennonite women helped Julilly and Liza wash.
________ Julilly sang.
2. Describe the Mennonite village.
Language Activities:
1. a) Research Mennonites to find out five facts about the way they live.
b) Why did the Mennonites leave Germany to come to North America?
_____________________________________________________________________________2. In this chapter and previous chapters, Julilly and Liza meet “white folks” with very
different attitudes toward slaves.
a) Describe two different attitudes displayed towards slaves:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
b) Try to think of one reason the people who held these attitudes did so. Think
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. This chapter like many others in this novel, contains a song. Make up your own song
about slavery to a well known tune such as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”.
Chapter 14
Before you read:
Describe a time when someone in your life was kind to you.
What difference did this make to you?
Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Circle the antonym for each underlined word in the senteces below.
1. The tiger growled at the sight of the gun.
giggled hissed barked yelped leapt
2. We gave a mighty push and the car started moving.
strong capable full weak happy
3. The actor’s shabby coat matched the poor surroundings.
ragged scanty meagre fancy small
4. What sprightly jumps that ballerina can do!
energetic lovely graceful elegant sluggish
5. I was amazed at the sight of the ancient ruins in the field.
historical old modern past creative
6. Her wise old eyes told me to stay still.
smart intelligent clever silly experienced
1. How did the girls protect themselves from the storm?
2. Why was the gift of bread from the old man so valuable?
3. What did the man with the dog tell Liza and Julilly to do?
4. Julilly and Liza were afraid to trust the man, but they did what he said anyway. Why?
5. a) What is the Underground Railway?
b) What are each of these things in the Underground Railway:
railway stations :______________________________________________________________
dry goods:____________________________________________________________________
Language Activities:
1. a) What did Julilly mean when she thought about how “the white folks who’d helped
them along the way were good and kind, but it wasn’t the same.”
b) Why was there a difference for Julilly between good “white folks” and “colored
2. Julilly, Liza, Mammy Sally, Lester, and Adam are fictitious characters. They have been
made up by the author. Do some research and write a paragraph to tell the story of a
real slave who escaped into Canada. When you make a good copy on a clean sheet of
paper, your teacher can put your class’s biographies all together to make a special book
about the true stories of real slaves who showed great courage.
Chapter 15
Before you read:
In this chapter, Julilly and Liza face fear again. Think of a time when you were afraid. What changes in your body did the fear cause?
1. Where did Liza and Julilly hide?
2. Why did the sheriff want to search Jeb Brown’s house?
3. List the steps in Julilly and Liza’s journey after they leave Jeb Brown’s house.
4. How did Pal help the runaway slaves on the Underground Railway?
Language Activities:
1. Julilly states that “Ella and Jeb Brown are my friends forever”, even though she has just
met them and may never see them again.
a) What do you think Julilly means by the word friend?
b) What does the word friend mean to you?
2. Julilly repeatedly sings a song throughout the book:
When Israel was in Egypt’s land
Let my people go
Oppressed so hard, they could not stand
Let my people go
Do some research to find out what the reference to “Israel in Egypt’s land” means.
Hint: It is part of Hebrew history.
3. On a separate sheet, create a cover for the book Underground to Canada. Don’t forget to
add the title and the author.
Chapter 16
Before you read:
Julilly and Liza need to be hidden in the houses of the Underground Railroad when the slave hunters come searching for them. How would you hide two runaway slaves in your home?
Draw each of these vocabulary words to show its meaning.
carriage shawl warrant
sheriff locomotive Quaker hat
1. Name three physical features of Mr. Levi Coffin.
2. How did Catherine Levi hide Julilly and Liza when the slave catcher came to look for
3. What explanation did Levi Coffin give the slave catcher for his involvement in assisting
4. a) What did Catherine Levi give the girls when they left?
b) Where did these gifts come from?
Language Activities:
1. Mr. Coffin follows his beliefs rather than the law.
a) Can you think of an example in modern times when this might be a good thing to do?
b) Can you think of an example when this might not be a good thing to do?
2. Why is there no slavery in Canada at the time of the novel?
Chapter 17
Before you read:
Julilly and Liza feel very special in their new sweaters; they’ve never had new clothes before. What clothes make you feel special?
There are many words in this chapter that describe the sounds Julilly and Liza hear while in hiding. Some are adjectives, some are verbs, some are nouns. How many can you find? Try to find at least nine.
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
1. What were Levi Coffin’s departing words to the children?
2. How did Mr. Ross get out of prison?
3. What happened to Lester and Adam?
4. Why didn’t Julilly ask about Mammy Sally?
5. What does Julilly do in this chapter to show her unselfishness?
6. Where is the Mayflower taking the girls?
7. What is Mr. Ross going to do next?
Language Activities:
1. What does Mr. Ross mean when he says, “injustice is the weapon of evil men”.
2. Write the plurals for the following nouns found in this chapter:
a) schooner ________________________ b) package ________________________
c) person ________________________ d) child ________________________
e) sleeve ________________________ f) moustache ________________________
g) friend ________________________ h) woman ________________________
i) carriage ________________________ j) tear
Chapter 18
Before you read:
Julilly and Liza are very close to freedom. Can you think of a time when you expected
something good to happen? Describe it, and how you felt.
Choose the correct word to use in each of the following sentences.
trials canvas bobbed lapping
refreshed conductor limp dazzled
1. The __________________ checked our tickets on the train.
2. After a good long sleep, we were __________________ and ready to climb the mountain.
3. The sails were made with thick, heavy __________________.
4. The light _________________ as it hit the water, and I was glad I had sunglasses to wear.
5. Do you see how the waves are __________________ against the shore?
6. The lettuce leaves were _____________ and soft so the chef did not put them in the salad.
7. The champion swimmer’s head __________________ up and down as she made her way
across the pool.
8. After so many _________________, this small hardship seemed easy to overcome.
Answer True or False for the following statements.
1. The Captain of the Mayflower risked his job to help slaves get to Canada. T or F
2. Julilly and Liza are going to Fort Malden where Lester lives. T or F
3. Julilly and Liza hid in a lifeboat. T or F
4. Slave hunters could take slaves back to their owners, no matter where T or F
in the United States they found them.
5. A slave hunter received a reward for catching a runaway slave. T or F
6. Lake Erie is still on the border between United States and Canada. T or F
7. Julilly and Liza would rather drown in Lake Erie than be slaves again. T or f
Language Activities:
On the map of the United States and Canada, draw and label the following:
a) Vicksburg, Mississippi; Mississippi River; Appalachian Mountains; Covington,
Kentucky; Cincinnati, Ohio; Lake Erie; Fort Malden, Upper Canada (now near
Amherstburg); St. Catherine’s, Upper Canada
b) Draw a line to trace the journey that Julilly and Liza have made from Mississippi.
c) Using the scale on the map, calculate the distance they have traveled to Canada.
Chapter 19
Before you read:
Imagine you are Julilly or Liza. You have just arrived in Canada, and are no longer a slave, but free. What would you do?
Draw a straight line to match the word to its definition. Remember to use a straight edge, such as a ruler.
a) cluster historical name for Ontario
b) burnished fear
c) Upper Canada person who carries luggage at a hotel
d) apprehension a group of trees
e) shrub a gathering
f) suspense polished and shiny
g) porter small, woody plant
h) grove uncertainty
1. What does Liza do when she arrives on the Canadian shores of Lake Erie?
2. Even though they are free, Liza still wants to hide in the bushes. Why?
3. Ezra Wilson tells them many things about Canada, and its hardships. List them.
4. What are Mammy Sally’s plans for the future?
Language Activities:
1. In this chapter, and throughout the novel, the author uses many similes – a comparison
using like or as – to make her descriptions interesting. Find six similies from this
2 a) Both Mammy Sally and Lester stand tall, and keep their heads held high. What does
this tell you about them?
b) If a person keeps their head down, or walks hunched over, what might this tell you
about them?
3. With a classmate, discuss how the history of slavery has affected people of African
descent living in North America today. Try to think of at least two things.